Saturday, June 18, 2011

Busy Week!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything this week! This has been such a busy week it's hard to get my head on straight and sit down and write. Nothing spectacular has happened this week, just enjoyed the time with my baby boy. My father in law got home from AT and I know Cole was happy to see him! He's the only person Cole will wave at, and soon after seeing him, he started waving at his Papa! We also spent some wonderful (insert sarcasm here) time in the storm shelter again yesterday, as they predicted it would get really bad here. But luckily the bad weather passed about 20 miles south of us, thank goodness! Not lucky for the people south of us though, but at least things weren't that bad. Hopefully that was the last time this year we'll have to go to the storm shelter! I'm about tired of all of this weather for one lifetime. I must brag though that I have the BEST baby ever! He really puts up with a lot from me, from couponing to being dragged into the storm shelter at all times of the day. I really am lucky to have the joy of being his mother.
Last night I finally got lured into an addiction of mine! I am a recovering WoW addict (yes, I lost years of my life to World of Warcraft before I met my husband). The perfect way to quit the game? Have a baby! You won't have any time to yourself lol. So anyways, Teddy and I got Rift (super cheap deal for father's day!) and we started playing it last night. I'm really excited about this because it's a really easy transition from WoW because there are a lot of the same elements in both games. Here's to not getting addicted and being able to just play for fun! I think the baby will be a good way to keep playtime down, as I don't ever have time for myself! But what mother does?
I went shopping at CVS, Old Navy, Target, Walgreens, Publix and Kroger this week. I will post photos and prices later when I get the time! This afternoon we're headed a couple hours away to our cousins wedding. It should be fun! Now, what to wear? Things just don't fit the same now as they did pre-baby (might I add breastfeeding is the reason? lol)
Hope all of you had a good week!

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